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About Sandy

Sandy’s Professional Training & Experience

Although I've had impactful intuitive and spiritual experiences throughout my life, I didn't grow up with the natural ability of being able to intuitively read others as in depth as I can now. The intuitive and spiritual events that did happen in my life drove my intense curiosity towards the subject, and I was able to develop my intuitive reading and mediumship skills through training with skilled professional teachers.

  • 2022 Completed Suzanne Giesemann’s Sacred Evidence Based Mediumship Course, and Mediumship Mindset Course

  • 2021 Graduate & Professional Intuitive Reader of the Intuitive Arts Studio Intuitive Reading Program

  • 5 years of working as a Career Transition & Life Coach

  • 2014 Graduate of Martha Beck Inc. Life Coach Training Program

  • 10+ Years Professional Work Experience in Media and Marketing

  • 2006 Graduate of University of Arizona, Bachelors in Marketing


while we all have some innate intuitive abilities, accessing it on-demand requires a commitment to developing the skill.



my why

I love helping people move from feeling conflicted and indecisive to certainty about what to do next or what direction to head, by uncovering what their intuition is guiding them to do and revealing other helpful intuitive information that can't be known otherwise.

I love experiencing the a-ha and relief that clients get once they feel this sense of confidence and certainty.

Why do I love helping people in these ways? Perhaps it's because I've been there a time or two and know how much it sucks to be deeply conflicted or indecisive regarding everything from the everyday to major life-altering decisions.

To make the best decisions, I believe in consulting all sources of information that are available. I'm practical, so I analyze qualitative and quantitative data, but I also highly value the information and guidance that intuition can provide because in my experience, it's never been wrong.


intuitive information can be the extra set of information that makes the difference between decisions/actions that are aligned with your highest good, and those that are not.


What led me to this work as an intuitive?

my intuitive journey

Growing up, I experienced a variety of hap-hazard intuitive/spiritual events that sparked my curiosity towards intuition and the spiritual world. I would often have "gut feelings" that something good or bad would happen before they happened, and I found that it was always right. Sometimes images would pop into my mind’s eye that were symbolic or metaphorical relating to something I was going through, such as someone sweeping stuff under the rug when I was not wanting to face what I knew deeply to be true. Or as I imagined a future with a certain path, the images would be black and white, paired with a sense of boredom/sadness to indicate that path wasn’t for my highest good. I also received clairaudient messages when the message was really important.

On one evening, I was about to get in a pickup truck with a friend and the driver, but I heard a voice that felt like it was coming out of the right side of my head that was yelling "DON'T GO! DON'T GO!" paired with a sense of heading towards my doom. I was so stunned by this, that I told them I didn't want to go. The pickup truck, with my friend and the driver, ended up getting into a high speed rollover accident and my friend or I would have most likely died or gotten severely injured since there weren't enough seat belts for all of us.

Needless to say, these spiritual experiences with intuition had a big impact on my life.

By looking back on all these powerful experiences I could see how valuable intuitive information was. However, these experiences sort of just happened to me, I wasn’t in control of when they would occur. They also seemed to occur during potentially major life-altering events or periods of time.

Feeling the inability to reliably call on my own intuition in the everyday was one of the motivators for seeking to learn more about how intuition worked and how I could cultivate it as a tool for my life and for others.

What led me to mediumship?

my Mediumship journey

It wasn’t until my Dad died in 2020 that I was drawn to do mediumship for others. Receiving a powerful mediumship reading from a skilled medium shortly after his passing allowed me to fully experience the healing power that a mediumship reading can offer. My family and I were left in a state of confusion of the details of my Dad’s downward spiral, and needed to understand things from his perspective. We were able to receive that through the medium and this understanding allowed me to let all that confusion and resistance go. It was a relief to be able to move forward, rather than be stuck questioning the events that led up to his passing and if we could have done anything different to avoid his passing.

Shortly after this, with no mediumship training, I was able to connect with him one night in one of my meditations, and had a dialogue with him in my mind. The skeptic in me wondered if it was just my imagination, so I asked him to give me a sign that it was real. He responded by giving me the sensation that he was tapping me on my right shoulder with his finger, then on the left continuously for the next hour. Thrilled about this connection, but still doubtful, I asked my mentor, Beverly, if she could look at that intuitively for me to help me triple validate the connection. (did I tell you I have a healthy bit of skepticism? Lol!) She said that it was indeed a real connection, and I let the doubts go after that.

Since then, I’ve honed my mediumship skills by training with various mentors and teachers to learn the nuances of spirit communication. Evidence-based mediumship involves getting “evidence” from spirit that can be validated by the client, as opposed to just generalities or vague sentiments. The idea is that to get past the inner skeptic (no matter how much faith we have, we all have some skepticism), the medium aims to receive details from a recognizable passed on loved one, that the medium could not have known or guessed. I love how evidence-based mediumship is not only healing and uplifting, but also how it gives people a sense of undeniable faith in the afterlife and certainty that our passed on loved ones are still with us.

As I look back at my life, I can see that I had been receiving communication from passed on loved ones here and there without intention to do so. As my curiosity and interest intensified, it became clear that this was something I was meant to do.


What people are saying

raves & reviews

“Sandy has a warm, calm and encouraging style that creates a wonderful space of peace. She helps you to be completely yourself and get the most out of the reading you have with her.”

Deborah, England, U.K.

“I engaged with Sandy because I had a few areas where I’m feeling a bit stuck. I needed some insight from someone who could see my business through a totally different lens. My reading with Sandy both confirmed some things and also shed light on some areas that once she brought them forward, resonated deeply. I left with some action steps that I believe will have significant impact.

If you are feeling a bit stuck or constricted, I highly recommend doing a check in with Sandy.”

Beth Wonson, Communication Expert and Founder of Navigating Challenging Dialogue®

“I have known Sandy for three years, and have always been eager to get my husband Travis to schedule a reading with her. He is also a bit of a "spook", but as kids and jobs and vacations and sickness and all the things have taken priority, he hadn't done so. Until yesterday.

I wasn't present for the reading, but Travis talked at length afterward. 

My biggest takeaways were -

1. How she was truly facilitating a conversation between Travis and his grandparents and cousin. She encouraged Travis to ask specific questions and she would relay the vision, feelings, words they gave her.

2. Sandy worked through the process with Travis. Giving him information on what she was seeing, feeling, hearing, and experiencing from his family members, but also engaging Travis through evidence that moved him.

3. Travis felt peace - although I imagine only a fraction of what those family members can now feel. It was clear that his loved ones were happy in their new home while still able to express their intense love for Travis here on earth. The adoration, just like their full reality, was at such a capacity that it surpasses anything he (or I) could comprehend with earthly limitations.”

Nurturing the Good Stuff…. Sandy Scheschuk. Rooted Sonshine Blog by Kyla Scott. Jan 4, 2024
