How can I schedule a reading?

Click on the “book now” button below the service of your choice. This will take you to my scheduler. Select the “book this service” button at the bottom of the page. Then you will see the calendar (make sure you select your time zone at the bottom of the page). Schedule the time that works for you (I recommend scheduling the reading during a time that you won't be too distracted or driving), and write any notes that you have for me. (If you don’t see a date/time that works for you, feel free to contact me on the contact form on the Contact page, and let me know what days/times do work for you and we will try to find a time that works for both of us.) In the next step you can enter payment info via Square. Once you click “place order”, your appointment will be booked.

What can I expect after scheduling an intuitive reading?

You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link after scheduling your appointment. Save this email to refer to before your session. You will also receive a reminder email 24 hours prior to the session.

How can you do a reading over the phone or zoom and not in person?

Hollywood may have shown you in-person readings so that's what you might be used to seeing. However, energy is universal, so physical proximity doesn't have any effect on my ability to read the energy of any person, place or thing. All I need to do is have the intention of connecting with my target and that intention serves as a magnet for the information to flow.

What do I need to do to prepare for an intuitive reading?

  • Sit in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed with a pad of paper and pen in case you want to jot anything down.

  • Get clear on what you want to get out of the session - is it to answer a question? or are you just curious about the experience?

  • Have an open mind towards the experience

What is it like during the intuitive reading?

We will meet over the Zoom link provided in the confirmation email. We can do just audio or video, whichever is preferred, and it can be recorded if you prefer. To get started, I will briefly explain the process and ask you what your goals are for the reading. After this, I will get into a meditative-state, where I will be still and quiet with my eyes closed. After a few moments of silence I will ask you to state your name, so I can set the intention of connecting energetically with your specific energy signature, and we will begin the reading. I will start by looking at a few topics that I choose to get in the reading flow, and then will give you the opportunity to ask your question(s) if you have any. You can confirm if something is or is not resonating with you as we go, and elaborate during the breaks between reading topics. Feel free to ask questions at any time if something doesn't make sense to you.

Do I need to have a specific question in mind?

No, you don't. For some people, answering a specific question is the main reason for booking a reading. But for others, they might be just curious about the experience, or figure whatever is important to know, will come up (which it certainly will).

A note on questions: the quality of your question will determine the quality of your answers. If someone asks "should I buy this house?" your answer might be limited to a yes or no. Think about what you are really questioning when you have a "should I ...." type of question. Think about what information do you really need to know to decide whether buying the house is a good decision or not. Maybe it's, "Will I be able to support this house financially for the next 5 years?" Or "If I buy this house, what does that path look like?" I can always help you shape your questions intuitively so that we attract the information you are really looking for.

Can you predict the future?

When I look at the future, the idea is that if all energy stays the same, here's what might likely happen. We all have free will, though, so energy can change at any time. As an example, an intuitive might see that you are on track to get a promotion, but then your actions at work one day jeopardize that from happening or you quit, so you don't get promoted.

Also, sometimes as an intuitive we are limited in how far out we can see into the future, or it might not be revealed at all as it might not be in the client's best interest to know. (I operate on the ethics of attracting information that is of the client’s highest good.) Sometimes just hearing what the future might be can alter the future itself.

When you are feeling stuck and not knowing which way to go, instead of asking what the future looks like for you, it's actually more helpful for the intuitive to look at why you are stuck, and or other things around your situation.

What is the difference between an intuitive reading and coaching?

In an intuitive reading, the intuitive reader is doing most of the talking, and is receiving their information intuitively, or on an energetic level. In a coaching session, the client is doing most of the talking about their situation and circumstances, while being guided by the coach's questions to drive them to their own insights and problem-solving. As a professional coach and an intuitive, I appreciate how intuitive readings can laser in on helpful insights a lot quicker than coaching can. However, once the necessary insights are revealed, coaching is helpful to assist the client in taking action towards their goal or desired outcome. These two practices are very complimentary to each other.

What do I need to do to prepare for mediumship reading?

  • Sit in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed with a pad of paper and pen in case you want to jot anything down.

  • If you have anyone specific in mind you want to connect with, have them in mind or even bring something that belonged to them or reminds you of them to the session.

  • Have an open mind towards the experience.

Do I need to have someone specific in mind to connect with?

No, you don't. And sometimes even if you do have someone specific in mind, someone else wants to come through. So it’s great to be open-minded to any of your passed on loved ones and the experience.

Do you offer refunds or re-dos?

If I feel like the reading was not my best work, (I have high standards for my work), I will give you the option to schedule a re-do on another day, or get a full refund. If you feel your reading was not as expected, please email me and we can discuss scheduling a re-do or a refund if it’s warranted. Unlike other service professions, this type of work can be unpredictable. As a medium, I’m also a person that has bad days and good days, and spirit can be unpredictable as well. I will not guarantee any refunds, but I want you to be satisfied with the service I provide, so I will definitely take your feedback into consideration.

Can you guarantee that a specific loved one will come through?

While there are things we can do to increase the chances that a specific passed on loved one will show up (such as the client having that person in mind, the client holding objects that are relevant to that person, and setting the intention to connect with them), no medium can guarantee that a specific spirit will come through. What you can count on is that whatever is for your highest good at that time, will occur in the reading.