How to Use Automatic Writing For Spiritual Guidance


Automatic writing is a powerful tool for connecting with our spiritual guidance and accessing higher wisdom. Here are some tips on how to use automatic writing for spiritual guidance:

  1. Get in a Relaxed State of Mind: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you won't be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and center yourself. Meditate for a few minutes, beforehand.

  2. Set an Intention: Before you begin, set an intention for your automatic writing session. This could be a question you want guidance on, or simply a desire to connect with your higher self or guides. If you don’t have a specific question, simply ask, “what do I need to know right now?”

  3. Start Writing: Begin writing whatever comes to mind without filtering or censoring your thoughts. (either by typing on the computer or by hand on a notepad). Don't worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation - just let the words flow onto the page. If you are like me, you may hear clairaudiently one word, then another, like someone is giving you dictation. Some people may just have a stream of knowing of what to write. For others, automatic writing means their hands are writing autonomously without the person consciously knowing what the hand is writing or typing.

  4. Trust Your Intuition: As you write, pay attention to any intuitive hits or insights that come through. These may take the form of sudden ideas, images, or sensations in your body.

  5. Ask Questions: If you have specific questions you want answered, ask them as you write and see what comes up in response. The writing can be similar to a dialogue.

  6. Reflect on Your Writing: After your automatic writing session is complete, take some time to reflect on what came through. Look for patterns or themes in your writing that may offer deeper insights into your question or situation. It’s normal to think maybe you made it up yourself. However, you can start to trust that the words came from higher wisdom or spiritual guides when you recognize that the writing uses words or phrasing you wouldn’t normally use, or the guidance that came through is much wiser than you could have come up with. To further provide evidence for yourself, you might compare this experience with other writing experiences where you were tasked with writing a note to someone else.

  7. Take Action: Finally, consider any action steps that came through in your automatic writing and make a plan to follow through on them if they resonate with you.

 Doing automatic writing was the gateway for me to perceiving my clairaudience. It might be for you too. I still do automatic writing when I communicate with my guides because I tend to forget what they said when I’m in a deep meditative state. The writing gives me something to refer back to in order to remember what was said. I hope you’ll give it a try!