What Led Me To This Work

I love helping people move from feeling conflicted and indecisive to certainty about what to do next or what direction to head, by uncovering what their intuition is guiding them to do and revealing other helpful intuitive information that can't be known otherwise. I love experiencing the a-ha and relief that clients get once they feel this sense of confidence and certainty.

Why do I love helping people in these ways? Perhaps it's because I've been there a time or two and know how much it sucks to be deeply conflicted or indecisive regarding everything from the everyday to major life-altering decisions. To make the best decisions, I believe in consulting all sources of information that are available. I'm practical, so I analyze qualitative and quantitative data, but I also highly value the information and guidance that intuition can provide because in my experience, it's never been wrong. In conjunction with fact and logic, intuitive information can be the extra set of information that makes the difference between decisions/actions that are aligned with your highest good, and those that are not. Feeling the inability to reliably call on my own intuition as a young adult was one of the motivators for seeking to learn more about how intuition worked and how I could cultivate it as a tool for my life and for others.

There were also other hap-hazard events that occurred in my youth that sparked my curiosity towards intuition and the spiritual world. I would often have "gut feelings" that something good or bad would happen around certain events, and I found that it was always right. Sometimes images would pop into my mind’s eye that were symbolic or metaphorical relating to something I was going through, such as someone sweeping stuff under the rug when I was not wanting to face what I knew deeply to be true. I also received clairaudient messages when the message was really important. On one evening, I was about to get in a pickup truck with a friend and the driver, but I heard a voice that felt like it was coming out of the right side of my head that was yelling

“don’t go! don’t go!”

I was so stunned by this, that I told them I didn't want to go. The pickup truck, with my friend and the driver, ended up getting into a high speed rollover accident and my friend or I would have most likely died or gotten severely injured since there weren't enough seat belts for all of us.

Needless to say, these spiritual experiences with intuition had a big impact on my life.

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