Getting clear on what you want to attract and what you want to let go of in the new year

The new year is upon us and one of the ways I love to celebrate and prepare is to set intentions for the year ahead and become aware of the things I want to leave behind that are no longer serving me.  Notice I said intentions, not goals, or resolutions.  See, the word intention is so much more powerful. Intentions are like a magnetic target. Intentions are actually part of how I receive information in a reading.  It is with an altered brain-wave state and an intention to connect with a certain type of energy (person, place, thing, spirit, answer, information, etc.) that allows for information to flow to me.  It's like setting a target for what you want.

In my mediumship readings, I set the intention for one recognizable spirit to come through at a time that is for the client's highest good.  It’s important to state intentions in the positive tense. To help you understand what I mean by stating something in the positive way, stating that intention in a negative way would be: "I don't want multiple spirits at the same time".  If I use the negative phrasing to state my intention, my focus is then on what I don't want, and I'm likely to attract what I don't want. (I prefer to communicate with one spirit at a time so that I receive evidence/information that clearly matches up with one known passed-on-loved one.  If I get multiple spirits communicating at the same time, it’s like multiple people talking to you at the same time.)

As an exercise to let go of the things (circumstances, people, things, habits, beliefs, etc.) that don’t serve you anymore, you can imagine in meditation these things dissolving out of your energetic field and being swept away. Or you can specifically name what you want to let go of, put it in it's own bubble and watch it drift away from you, getting farther and farther away with every exhale.  Some people imagine a chord between their energetic field and the thing that they want to let go of and they imagine themselves cutting that energetic chord to detach themselves from the energy that is dragging them down.

These are powerful visualizations to help you start the new year with a fresh start.  But you also don't have to wait for the new year to do any of these rituals.  They can be done at any time.  

For anyone who is new to energetics, this all sounds very airy fairy and pointless, (trust me, I totally get it because I thought that too), but if you try it out, you might notice a difference in how you feel and what you attract.