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As a evidential medium, I offer mediumship readings to connect with your passed on loved ones. Click on the offering that suits you and you will be directed to a scheduling page.


In mediumship, the medium is like a translator for spirit communication to the client.


Mediumship Reading, $95

(Uplift & heal through communication w/ passed-on loved-ones)

In this 45-minute mediumship reading, done over Zoom, I will connect with your recognizable loved ones in spirit and share specific details about themselves that they convey to me (to validate their presence) and pass along helpful and healing messages that they want you to know. Mediumship readings can be uplifting and healing, provide needed closure, answer questions you may have about your loved ones in spirit, and also provide undeniable evidence that the spirit lives on after death (which can be life-changing in itself).  After doing so many readings, witnessing the "no-other-explanation" moments with clients and their passed-on loved-ones never gets old. 



How can I schedule a reading?

Click on the “book now” button below the service of your choice. This will take you to my scheduler. Select the “book this service” button at the bottom of the page. Then you will see the calendar (make sure you select your time zone at the bottom of the page). Schedule the time that works for you (I recommend scheduling the reading during a time that you won't be too distracted or driving), and write any notes that you have for me. (If you don’t see a date/time that works for you, feel free to contact me on the contact form on the Contact page, and let me know what days/times do work for you and we will try to find a time that works for both of us.) In the next step you can enter payment info via Square. Once you click “place order”, your appointment will be booked.

What can I expect after scheduling a reading?

You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link after scheduling your appointment. Save this email to refer to before your session. You will also receive a reminder email 24 hours prior to the session.

How can you do a reading over the phone or zoom and not in person?

Hollywood may have shown you in-person readings so that's what you might be used to seeing. However, energy is universal, so physical proximity doesn't have any effect on my ability to read the energy of any person, place or thing. All I need to do is have the intention of connecting with my target and that intention serves as a magnet for the information to flow.

What do I need to do to prepare for mediumship reading?

  • Sit in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed with a pad of paper and pen in case you want to jot anything down.

  • If you have anyone specific in mind you want to connect with, have them in mind or even bring something that belonged to them or reminds you of them to the session.

  • Have an open mind towards the experience.

Do I need to have someone specific in mind to connect with?

No, you don't. And sometimes even if you do have someone specific in mind, someone else wants to come through. So it’s great to be open-minded to any of your passed on loved ones and the experience.

Do you offer refunds or re-dos?

If I feel like the reading was not my best work, (I have high standards for my work), I will give you the option to schedule a re-do on another day, or get a full refund. If you feel your reading was not as expected, please email me and we can discuss scheduling a re-do or a refund if it’s warranted. Unlike other service professions, this type of work can be unpredictable. As a medium, I’m also a person that has bad days and good days, and spirit can be unpredictable as well. I will not guarantee any refunds, but I want you to be satisfied with the service I provide, so I will definitely take your feedback into consideration.

Can you guarantee that a specific loved one will come through?

While there are things we can do to increase the chances that a specific passed on loved one will show up (such as the client having that person in mind, the client holding objects that are relevant to that person, and setting the intention to connect with them), no medium can guarantee that a specific spirit will come through. What you can count on is that whatever is for your highest good at that time, will occur in the reading.


“The things in reference to my grandmother were spot on. Hope we can schedule again. Thank you”


“I am feeling more peaceful about my concerns of whether I "did enough" for my mom in her final years.  It's so easy to second guess myself and the various decisions I had to make along the way.  Receiving a message that she appreciated all we did brings comfort.    Also the comment about her bitterness and unkind behavior at the end and the face that it wasn't about us but rather about her loss of independence and sense of self.  That brought some peace.  This was interesting also because it's something you would not have been aware of.”    

Robin, Saratoga, CA.

“Thank you again for such a wonderful reading!  You were really spot on! I hadn't thought about my great Aunt Alice but was delighted that she came through!  I shared the reading with both my mom and brother.  My mom knew as soon as I read the description that it was Alice.  She got all teary (even though she is my dad's aunt).  My brother was ELATED!  He deeply loved her and I think they had a special bond.  So the reading was a positive experience for both me and my family and left us all feeling really happy to have connected with her.   I felt fairly certain it was her from your description which really impressed me because I dont think you knew I am biracial yet you saw a dark skinned woman.  Also, your description of her personality especially being blunt, direct and her love of cooking told me it was her.  My mom said she worked as a cook in someone's household.  My mom also told me that they were going to name me Alicia after her which I never knew (but changed their minds later).  My mom thinks that Alice still "claimed" me as her anyways.  So I also learned something new about my story.   Her message for me really impacted me on a deep level.  It tied us together but also connected us to our ancestral lineage in a way I hand't ever thought about and now need to really take in.   I really enjoyed your reading and process and am impressed by how much you have grown!”

Debbie Lewis, Intuitive Joy Coach,

“After hearing the first bit of details in the reading, I knew it had to be my grandpa, my mom’s dad. I was happy to have him come through. The details were very accurate in your reading. As you mentioned, he was in the military, he was quiet and had a hard shell. The part about hearing a raspy voice and his lungs is accurate because he did smoke most of his life. It was nice to hear the messages he shared because I didn’t really know him much in life, mainly because we didn’t live in the same state. I was open minded and curious before the reading, and felt at peace after.”    

Samantha, Spokane, WA

“I've always been curious about having a reading done and am happy to have someone I can trust available to do so. It was a moving experience that left me more emotional than expected (in a good way). I didn't request any specific person to communicate with on the Other Side nor did I share personal information beforehand yet Sandy was able to provide enough details in our reading which allowed me to know exactly who was communicating with me. I'm grateful for the time I spent with Sandy and hope to do so again in the future.”

Michelle, Liberty Lake, WA 

“Thanks Sandy for taking the time to offer me the gift of a mediumship reading. Your calm and gentle spirit helped me center even further.   Before my mom (the one who came through for you) passed she was one that I talked on the phone a lot with. We lived in separate towns and once or twice a week we would talk on the phone, sometimes while I was driving to or from work. The conversations were just about what was going on in my life. As you communicated during the reading, she was non-judgmental and supportive of whatever my family or I was doing. So, I cherished the time to just share my "personal happenings" with. It was the big thing I missed after I was unable to do that physically anymore. I loved the message of I can still do that "in the spirit." I felt validated she was the one who came through. It wasn't the physical traits you described as much as her demeanor and spirit you described that caused me to know it was her that had come through. I appreciated how you were able to transfer not only her words but her presence, which in turn allowed me to sense her presence and be blessed again by her affirming presence.”

Larry Bloskas

“Not having experienced a mediumship reading before I didn’t know what to expect. Although I had heard from others about it and how one can connect to a loved one and they can give messages. So, I was really excited to have a chance to experience that. It was an amazing experience. At the beginning it wasn’t very clear who you had connected with because I was expecting it to be one of the loved ones, like grandparents. As you continued to reveal more and more specifics about the person you connected with and asking the question, what he liked about me, it became evident who this person was. I was extremely surprised because he was the last person I imagined would be watching over me.   When you told me he said, I dance like no one is watching me, I knew immediately who it was. That was my last memory of him. It was at his house at a New Year party where I had danced liked that and soon thereafter we moved to U.S and I never saw him again because he passed away.   It was such a pleasant surprise and so heartwarming to know he’s watching over me and that I hold such a special place in his heart. It now allows me to talk to him and ask for his advice and to guide me when I need it.”

Garima, San Diego, CA

“After hearing the first bit of details in the reading, I knew it was clearly Mom.   She matched the description you gave of "Older woman, Whitish grey hair, glasses, stubborn, and strong opinions.”  I wasn’t surprised when she came through because, most often she is the one who shows up in other mediumship readings I’d had.  She consistently says things about wanting to be involved (through mediums).  The other details you shared matched up with my mom and were consistent with what was shared in other mediumship readings. Thanks so much for the reading.”

Dale, Ann Arbor, MI

“I came into the reading a little stressed and anxious from personal interactions prior to the session, but came out of the reading feeling relieved and lighter.  The physical appearance, personality traits and emotional states you shared about the spirit that came through made me certain you had connected with my mom.  All the details you shared were all on point and the messages you shared from her resonated with me.   Thanks so much!”

Kelly, Transformational Coach, Boulder, CO